Organization Type

Reproductive Health Clinic

  • Buffalo Women Services provides abortions up to 19 weeks, and will make referrals for patients 19+ weeks pregnant.

    Medication abortions are provided up to 10 weeks.

  • If interested in obtaining an abortion, please call (716) 835-2510 to speak with an intake coordinator to set up a confidential appointment. Staff will provide more information regarding our abortion services.

    In most cases, the cost of an abortion is covered by insurance plans and in New York State, Medicaid covers abortion services.

    However, if insurance does not cover the abortion or if the patient is uninsured, appointment costs may be out of pocket.

    The prices for abortion services are listed below according to the weeks of gestation. Gestational age is determined by an ultrasound performed in the office.

    5 – 12 weeks: $500

    13 weeks: $550

    14 weeks: $650

    15 weeks: $800

    16 weeks: $950

    17 weeks: $1100

    18 weeks: $1250

    19 weeks: $1400

    Rhogam 1st trimester: $60

    Rhogam 2nd trimester: $120


schedule an appointmenT

Monday 9:00am – 3:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
CLOSED Saturday

Call: (716) 835-2510


Dr. Emily Women's Health Center


Queens All Women's Medical of New York